Today’s competitive business environment, managing People is the most complicated chore for organizations. In order to survive the competition and win the race, it is vital for every organization to recognize the global issues and challenges in human resource management and invest considerable time and amount to recognize the changing scenario of HRM in the 21st century.

The survey of global HR challenges: yesterday, today and tomorrow which conducted by pricewaterhouseCoopers on behalf of the World Federation of Personnel Management Associations (WFPMA) articulates the top-three HR challenges are leadership development, change management and measurement of HR effectiveness. Further compensation, learning and development, recruitment, retention, succession planning and technology are also listed as major challenges.

As analysed, major challenges are arising from HR’s primary activity; staffing or people resourcing. The objective of people resourcing is to attract and retain skilled people in the organization to achieve competitive advantage effectively and efficiently. The components of employee resourcing strategy are; human resource planning, creating an employer brand, retention, absent management, talent management and recruitment and selection. Only if, HR manager have complete control over people resourcing, the firm will be able to face any challenges. (Amstrong, 2006)


Lewis (1985) defines recruitment as: “The activity that generates a pool of applicants, who have the desire to be employed by the organization, from which those suitable can be selected.” According to Sarma (2008), it is not only the activity that satisfies the needs of the company, it is also an action that influences the future of the organization and its sustainable development.

Obtaining human capital has become the biggest challenge for organizations. Every HR expert comes up against certain challenges when they are involved in recruitment and selection such as; geographical location of a company, changes in business model, political interference, cost of advertising, misinterpretation of qualification, Nepotism and favouritism ,  brain drain and lack of qualified and experienced people in the local pool, over qualification syndrome, outdated/inadequate job descriptions, challenges of internal versus external recruitment and selection and growing level of employee turnover. 
(Breaugh and Starke, 2000)                   
Eg: IPS Research Team(2018) says that, some of the rules and regulations governing the recruitment of migrant workers in Sri Lanka appear unnecessary - for example, irrelevant documentation requirements must be reviewed and streamlined. So, rules and regulations need to be reviewed to simplify and streamline the recruitment process. (The Island, 2014)


Armstrong, M. (2006) A Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice, (10th ed.) Kogan Page, London

PricewaterhouseCoopers (2018). Survey of Global HR Challenges: Yesterday, today and tomorrow. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 Apr. 2018].

Breaugh, J. and Starke, M. (2000). Research on Employee Recruitment: So Many Studies, So Many Remaining Questions. Journal of Management, [online] 26(3), pp.405-434. Available at: [Accessed 21 Apr. 2018].

The Island (2014). Accessing labour markets abroad: 6 key challenges for Sri Lanka. [online] Available at:[Accessed%204%20May%202018]. [Accessed 20 Apr. 2018].

Lewis & Christopher 1985. Employee Selection. Hutchinson.

Sarma, A. M. 2008. Personnel and Human Resource Management. Himalaya Publishing House


  1. Nicely written articles. Keep it up.....

  2. Good article with example. Keep up the good work

  3. Good article . But better to focus on formatting and fonts in blog. Not in same style. Good job

  4. Well written article. Good job Safra.

  5. Well structured essay and a good referencing..

  6. Good article and good references..

  7. It seems (WFPMA) have mentioned most important global issues in HRM. Recruitment is a HR function. Better explain the other global issues.But you have nicely written.

  8. One of the most important responsibilities of the HR department at this time is to engage with the workforce and provide as much one-on-one information and support any challenges at work as possible. Read: 4 HR key challenges as businesses return to work.


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